added Flv_Feature feature(Flv_Feature v)
These replace the row_header, row_footer, row_grid,
col_header, col_footer, and col_grid.
Left the xxx_xxxx(void) as inline functions for convenience
This reduced 12 functions to 2 and made the control 5 bytes smaller
it's still around 450 bytes. Scroll bars, styles, etc all add up!
changed row_grid() to row_divider()
changed col_grid() to col_divider()
changed SHOW_BARS to Flv_ShowBars
Added typedef unsigned char Flv_Feature and #defines
Changed typedef'd SHOW_BARS enum to typedef unsigned char and #define's
Fixed some drawing code for table, list, and dynamic sizing example
Updated examples to show styles with programmatic overrides. testtable2
the dynamic row sizing example in particular was changed to look more
Created some documentation
Added basiclist program from documentation to programs that can be